Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Ruthless Divesting Continues...

I just finished cleaning out the tupperware cabinet. Yesterday I emptied bookshelves of old windows pc video games and windows pc software. Last week the vhs tapes were decimated. It is the new year and I am sweeping it clean with a vengeance. Really, it has nothing to do with avoiding balancing the check books and credit cards and entering all the expenses for my business into Quickbooks. Really.

It is another rainy winter day in Atlanta. Yesterday it was sunny and mid-hi 60's. J rode her bike, I left all the doors open for the fresh breezes to play in the house. Today J is cuddled up on the couch watching "Moulin Rouge" and I have no further excuses. I gird my loins (well, they are already girded), I refresh my coffee, I... ooh, do we have the Moulin Rouge soundtrack on cd? Maybe I should find it and rip it to iTunes so I can listen to it while I balance registers. If we don't have it, I bet I can find it on iTunes... "GET THEE TO THY DESK, WOMAN", I hear my husband bellow. More anon.


Jodi said...

We have a ton of cleaning, tossing, and reorganizing to do to. We started the other night with our storage unit and it was good. Now only if we'd do more...

Anonymous said...

Amen, David, you tell her.

I bet it'll be March before you get everything done you needed to by Jan. 1.