Thursday, April 05, 2007

Legs OR What We Watched During Dinner...

Watching "Bones" tonight over dinner. There's a scene where the forensic anthropologist examines a severed leg from an accident. Jessie looks at Dave and says, "Daddy, was that the leg from the bachelor party?" What happens in Vegas obviously doesn't STAY in Vegas...

Dave replied that all he ever said was that he had to find and return a leg. He didn't say anything about how the leg was lost, the circumstances under which losing a leg made perfect sense, or who (indeed) stole the leg. However he does assert that if HE had stolen the leg, it would have come back with rhinestones and ostrich feathers on it. No use being in Vegas if you can't pimp your gimp.


Anonymous said...

Oh, THAT story.

If you're bringing up that old chestnut, I gather you haven't any other material to post here.

Like, for instance, a trip the the Caribbean...

Dave! Is her memory shot?

Brenda Griffith said...

I'll have you know that scanning the cruise pics and emailing them out is on my list--as is posting about it! But this is a true story of dinnertime in America and needed to be shared right as it happened (I actually posted from the dinner table).

Jodi said...

Cute story. : )

New Mom said...

does Dave know that Chad wanted to kill the leg thief at the recent wedding of Alex and Alisa for taking the mentioned leg from the owner of the leg?